
30 results for: ptolemy

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Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

King Solomon and Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as

King Solomon and Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII ...

Ptolemy Philadelphus 309-246 BC King of Ptolemaic Egypt from 281-246 BC from the book Crabbs

Ptolemy Philadelphus 309-246 BC King of Ptolemaic ...

Cleopatra made a bet with Mark Antony as to who would give the most lavish banquet. She won by

Cleopatra made a bet with Mark Antony as to who wo...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August 30 B.C., ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August...

The Meeting of Antony, Marc Antony and Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August

The Meeting of Antony, Marc Antony and Cleopatra, ...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August 30 B.C., ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

The Feast of Antony and Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled

The Feast of Antony and Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopat...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August 30 B.C., ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 B.C., died 12 August...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt as the last queen of the

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 3...

Cleopatra dissolves the pearl, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt

Cleopatra dissolves the pearl, Pharaoh Cleopatra V...

Cleopatra asks Caesar for help, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30 BC, ruled Egypt

Cleopatra asks Caesar for help, Pharaoh Cleopatra ...

The mortally wounded Marcus Antonius with Cleopatra, Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12

The mortally wounded Marcus Antonius with Cleopatr...

The Death of Marcus Antonius with Cleopatra, Pharaohess Cleopatra VII born 69 BC, died 12 August 30

The Death of Marcus Antonius with Cleopatra, Phara...

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII born 69 BC

2nd-century world map from the atlas Geography

2nd-century world map from the atlas Geography

Figure at the Beautiful Fountain: Claudius Ptolemy

Figure at the Beautiful Fountain: Claudius Ptolemy

Portraits of Ptolomaios Philadelphos and Arsinoe on the Cameo Gonzaga

Portraits of Ptolomaios Philadelphos and Arsinoe o...

View of the Earth by the Greek mathematician and geographer Claudius Ptolemy

View of the Earth by the Greek mathematician and g...

Typus Orbis a Prol Descriptus

Typus Orbis a Prol Descriptus

Representation of the Ptolemaic World System

Representation of the Ptolemaic World System

Representation of the Ptolemaic World System

Representation of the Ptolemaic World System

Choir stalls in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Choir stalls in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Choir stalls in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Choir stalls in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Church pews in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Church pews in the choir of Ulm Cathedral

Bust of Claudius Ptolemy

Bust of Claudius Ptolemy