Judith Preparing Herself to Leave for the Enemies’ Camp, plate four from The Story of Judith and Holofernes, 1564, Philip Galle (Netherlandish, 1537-1612), after Maarten van Heemskerck (Dutch, 1498-1574), Netherlands, Engraving in black on ivory laid paper, 202 x 246 mm (image), 204 x 248 mm (plate), 228 x 274 mm (sheet)

Judith Preparing Herself to Leave for the Enemies’ Camp, plate four from The Story of Judith and Holofernes, 1564, Philip Galle (Netherlandish, 1537-1612), after Maarten van Heemskerck (Dutch, 1498-1574), Netherlands, Engraving in black on ivory laid paper, 202 x 246 mm (image), 204 x 248 mm (plate), 228 x 274 mm (sheet)


Chicago, The Art Institute

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Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro



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