Medici Villa La Petraia, courtyard: “Meeting between Pope Leo fresco from the cycle of the Fasti Medicei by Volterrano (Baldassarre Franceschini), 1636-1647.
In 1515 Francis I of France met Pope Leo X in Bologna to clarify the possession of the duchies of Parma and Piacenza.

In the centre the King of France Francis I, with the collar of the Order of Saint Michael and the cloak quilted with French lilies, behind which we see a personification in statue of the Ecclesia surmounted by the Medici coat of arms with the keys of Saint Peter and the tiara; finally on the left the group of French dignitaries. Among the prelates Luca Citerni, chaplain of Lorenzo de' Medici (the client),
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy
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Medici Villa La Petraia, courtyard: “Meeting between Pope Leo fresco from the cycle of the Fasti Medicei by Volterrano (Baldassarre Franceschini), 1636-1647.
In 1515 Francis I of France met Pope Leo X in Bologna to clarify the possession of the duchies of Parma and Piacenza.

In the centre the King of France Francis I, with the collar of the Order of Saint Michael and the cloak quilted with French lilies, behind which we see a personification in statue of the Ecclesia surmounted by the Medici coat of arms with the keys of Saint Peter and the tiara; finally on the left the group of French dignitaries. Among the prelates Luca Citerni, chaplain of Lorenzo de' Medici (the client),
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


Mar 01, 2021

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