Civic Museum of Chiericati Palace, Hall of the Council of Gods

Civic Museum of Chiericati Palace, Hall of the Council of Gods


Museo di Palazzo Chiericati, Stanza del Concilio degli Dei: soffitto. Affreschi di Battista Zeloti. Al centro, “Zeus, Giunone, Nettuno e Cibele”, che rappresentano il fuoco, l’aria, l’acqua e la terra.

Civic Museum of Chiericati Palace, Hall of the Council of Gods: ceiling. Frescoes by Battista Zeloti. In the center, "Zeus, Juno, Neptune and Cybele", which represent fire, air, water and earth.
Museo Civico di Palazzo Chierica, Vicenza (VI), Veneto, Italia - Italy


Mar 01, 2021

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Ghigo Roli/Photo12



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