Vues et plans du Petit Trianon à Versailles
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Vues et plans du Petit Trianon à Versailles


Raccolta di vedute “L’Album de Marie - Antoinette. Vues et plans du Petit Trianon à Versailles”: pagina riguardante lo spaccato del teatro, lato platea. Gli acquerelli della raccolta furono commissionati dalla regina di Francia a Claude-Louis Chàtelet, mentre i disegni architettonici sono opera di Richard Mique. Acquarello, penna e inchiostro, 1781. Particolare del proscenio.

Collection of views “L’Album de Marie - Antoinette. Vues et plans du Petit Trianon à Versailles ”: page regarding the cross section of the theatre, audience side. The watercolors in the collection were commissioned by the Queen of France to Claude-Louis Châtelet, while the architectural designs are by Richard Mique. Watercolor, pen and ink, 1781. Detail of the proscenium.
Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena (MO), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy


Mar 01, 2021

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Ghigo Roli/Photo12



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