Diocesan Museum, Genoa
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Diocesan Museum, Genoa


Genova, Museo Diocesano: "Madonna della Vittoria", trittico di Giovanni Barbagelata, 1503. La Vergine è con Pierre d’ Aubusson e ai lati sono rappresentati San Giovanni Battista e San Pantaleone.

Genova, the Diocesan Museum: "Madonna of the Victory", triptych by Giovanni Barbagelata, 1503. The Virgin is with Pierre d 'Aubusson and St. John the Baptist and St. Pantaleone are represented on her sides.
Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra, Genova (GE)/Genoa, Liguria, Italia/Italy


Nov 23, 2011

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Ghigo Roli/Photo12



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