Andrea Orcagna: 'Punishment of the Miser and the Wrathful and Satan devouring Judas'

Andrea Orcagna: 'Punishment of the Miser and the Wrathful and Satan devouring Judas'


Basilica di Santa Croce: "Punizione degli avari e iracondi con Satana che divora Giuda, Bruto e Cassio; ", frammento dal ciclo di affreschi staccati "Trionfo della Morte, Giudizio Universale e Inferno", di Andrea Orcagna, 1350 circa.

Basilica of the Holy Cross: "Punishment of the Miser and the Wrathful and Satan devouring Judas, Brutus and Cassius", fragment from the cycle of detached frescoes "The Triumph of Death, Last Judgement and Hell", by Andrea Orcagna, about 1350,
Basilica di Santa Croce, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


Nov 07, 2019

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Ghigo Roli/Photo12



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