Same subject
Elvis Presley actor
Goncharova, 'Princess of the sea'
Natalia Goncharova: "Princess of the sea", figure for a costume of the ballet "Sadko, the Princess of the Sea", by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, 1916; gouache, graphite, bronze paint and aluminum on paper glued to cardboard./The State Tretyakov Gallery, Mosca - Moscow, Russia
Nov 03, 2019
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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folklore - Russian Avant Garde Arte Art Arte moderna Modern Art Avanguardia Russa - Ballerina Female Dancer Ballets Russes Balletto Ballet Danza Dance Grafite Graphite Guazzo Gouache Il Novecento The 20 Century Mare Sea Musica Music Natalia Goncharova Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Principessa Princess Russia Sadko Scenografia Set Design Teatro Theatre Tradizione Tradition Vernice Paint XX secolo XX Century costume folklore
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