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Assisi, the Lower Basilica of St Francis
Assisi, the Lower Basilica of St. Francis, Chapel of the Magadalene, the eastern wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, "Noli me tangere". The Chapel, dedicated to the Magadalene, was frescoed by Giotto and his workshop in 1307/08.Basilica inferiore di S. Frances, Assisi (PG), Umbria, Italia/Italy
Jun 08, 2019
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Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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Cherubino Cherub Italia Italy Umbria Perugia Assisi Architettura Architecture Basilica Basilica di San Francesco Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Cappella Chapel Religione Religion Santo Saint S. Maria Maddalena St. Mary Magdalene Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork Pittura Painting Affresco Fresco Giotto XIV secolo XIV Century Il Trecento The 14th Century Arte medioevale Medieval Art Cristianesimo Christianity Cristo Christ Gesù Jesus Angelo Angel Cherubino Cherub
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