Same subject
Elvis Presley actor
Montefalco, Museum of St. Francis
Montefalco, Museum of St. Francis: "Crucified Christ", by the expressionist master of St. Chiara. On the cimasa the Redeemer, on the sides the Virgin and St. John, at the feet of the cross St. Francis of Assisi. Tempera on moulded panel, beginning of XIV century
Complesso Museale di San Frances, Montefalco (PG), Umbria, Italia - Italy
Aug 05, 2004
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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49,9Mb (1,9Mb) / 11,4in x 17,1in / 3407 x 5120 (300dpi)
Dio Padre Father God Italia Italy Umbria Perugia Montefalco Complesso Museale S. Francesco Museo Museum Crocifisso Crucifix Religione Religion Cristianesimo Christianity Cristo Christ Gesù Jesus Pittura Painting Tempera Tempera su tavola Tempera Panel Painting XIV secolo XIV Century Il Trecento The 14th Century Maria Mary La Vergine The Virgin Madonna St. John The Baptist S. Giovanni Battista S. Francesco d'Assisi Saint Francis of Assisi Dio Padre Father God
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