Same subject
Elvis Presley actor
Cremona, Duomo (the Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta)
Cremona, Duomo (the Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta), interior, presbiteri: "Madonna with Infant Jesus", fresco dating back to del 1370, then painted again in the XVI century by Boccaccio Boccaccino.
Duomo (Cattedrale di Santa Maria, Cremona (CR), Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy
Jun 30, 2003
Credit line
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
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30,5Mb (3,1Mb) / 8,9in x 13,3in / 2661 x 4000 (300dpi)
XVI secolo XVI century Architectural Detail Affresco Fresco Architettura Architecture Arte Art Artista Artist Bambin Gesù Infant Jesus Boccaccio Boccaccino Cattedrale Cathedral Cremona Cristianesimo Christianity Cristo Christ Dettaglio architettonico Duomo Edificio Building Gesù Jesus Il Cinquecento The 16th Century Italia Italy La Vergine The Virgin Lombardia Lombardy Madonna Maria Mary Opera d'arte Artwork Pittore Painter Pittura Painting Presbiterio Presbitery Religione Religion Rinascimento Renaissance Stile Art style Storia History XVI secolo XVI century
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