GUATEMALA, Quetzatenango, Xela, "A backstreet in the outskitrs of the Guatemalan town of Xela. A characteristic but crumbling house sits baking in the sun, infront lies a dishevelled pavement and a dry dusty cobbled road. The house itself is worn but glows a beautiful yellow colour in the afternoon sun. Beneath the flaking paint one can see the years of history that the building carries. Orange and blue faded paintwork can all be seen. On the front wall of the house sits the main entrance, a small wooden door. The roof of the house is made of corrugated iron panels, again very characteristic if this area of Latin America. At the front of shot passes a local indigenous young man on his bicycle. The handlebars shine in the sun whilst his body and face remain in silohette."

GUATEMALA, Quetzatenango, Xela, "A backstreet in the outskitrs of the Guatemalan town of Xela. A characteristic but crumbling house sits baking in the sun, infront lies a dishevelled pavement and a dry dusty cobbled road. The house itself is worn but glows a beautiful yellow colour in the afternoon sun. Beneath the flaking paint one can see the years of history that the building carries. Orange and blue faded paintwork can all be seen. On the front wall of the house sits the main entrance, a small wooden door. The roof of the house is made of corrugated iron panels, again very characteristic if this area of Latin America. At the front of shot passes a local indigenous young man on his bicycle. The handlebars shine in the sun whilst his body and face remain in silohette."


Joe Lasky eye ubiquitous / hutchison


Photo12/Eye Ubiquitous

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