STS-35 Columbia, OV-102, crewmembers take a break from KSC training

STS-35 Columbia, OV-102, crewmembers take a break from KSC training


(21 May 1990) --- STS-35 Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, crewmembers commander Vance D. Brand, pilot Guy S. Gardner, mission specialists Jeffrey A. Hoffman, John M. Lounge, Robert A. R. Parker, payload specialists Samuel T. Durrance and Ronald A. Parise and backup payload specialist Kenneth Nordsieck take a break from training activities and pose on the 195-Floor Level on Launch Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). On left from front to back are Brand, Parise, Lounge and Gardner and on right from front to back are Parker, Nordsieck, and Hoffman. View provided by KSC with alternate number KSC-90PC-670.




21 mai 1990


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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