Conquest of Mexico, Punishment received by the Indians spies of Xicotencatl: Spaniards soldiers cut their hands

Conquest of Mexico, Punishment received by the Indians spies of Xicotencatl: Spaniards soldiers cut their hands


Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Towards to Cholula. Punishment received by the Indians spies of Xicotencatl: Spaniards soldiers cut their hands. Detail of the board 7 belonging to a set of 24 boards made with the "enconchado" technique (fragments of mother-of-pearl embedded in the wooden surface, and soft layers of paint are added to the shiny surface). Painted by Juan and Miguel Gonzalez (active in the second half of the 17th century). Reign of Charles II. Oil on panel and nacre. Viceroyalty of New Spain. Mexico, 1698. Museum of the Americas. Madrid, Spain.


03 juil. 2018


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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