Chattanooga, Tennessee (vicinity). Tripod signal erected by Captains. Dorr and Donn of U.S. Coast Survey at Pulpit Rock on Lookout Mountain 1864

Chattanooga, Tennessee (vicinity). Tripod signal erected by Captains. Dorr and Donn of U.S. Coast Survey at Pulpit Rock on Lookout Mountain 1864


Chattanooga, Tennessee (vicinity). Tripod signal erected by Captains. Dorr and Donn of U.S. Coast Survey at Pulpit Rock on Lookout Mountain; photographs are of the Battle of Chattanooga, September-November 1863. After Rosecrans' debacle at Chickamauga, September 19-20, 1863, Bragg's army occupied the mountains that ring about the vital railroad center of Chattanooga. Grant, brought in to save the situation, steadily built up offensive strength, and on November 23-25, burst the blockade in a series of brilliantly executed attacks. The photographs, probably all taken the following year when Chattanooga was the base for Sherman's Atlanta campaign, include scenes on Lookout Mountain, stormed by Hooker on November 24.




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