The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Gangleri (the weary walker) questions Odin in his triune form as High, Equally High and Third, about the origins of the world

The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Gangleri (the weary walker) questions Odin in his triune form as High, Equally High and Third, about the origins of the world


The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Gangleri (the weary walker) questions Odin in his triune form as High, Equally High and Third, about the origins of the world,From a 14th century, manuscript of Snorri Sturlusons Prose Edda. 14th century, Viking The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Gangleri (the weary walker) questions Odin in his triune form as High, Equally High and Third, about the origins of the world.From a 14th century, manuscript of Snorri Sturlusons Prose Edda.


Werner Forman Archive/ Universitetetsbiblioteket, Uppsala, Sweden


Photo12/Universal Images Group/Werner Forman

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