Portrait of a Kavirondo couple. Full-length portrait of a semi-naked Kavirondo (Luo) couple. Dressed in a grass skirt and anklets, the woman smokes a long pipe and leans on a stick. The man wears a chest strap and loincloth with his hair braided and decorated with horn ornaments. British East Africa (Kenya), circa 1912. Kenya, Eastern Africa, Africa.

Portrait of a Kavirondo couple. Full-length portrait of a semi-naked Kavirondo (Luo) couple. Dressed in a grass skirt and anklets, the woman smokes a long pipe and leans on a stick. The man wears a chest strap and loincloth with his hair braided and decorated with horn ornaments. British East Africa (Kenya), circa 1912. Kenya, Eastern Africa, Africa.


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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