Soul of majolica dish with dark blue background, jumping dog in the middle, plate dish crockery holder soil find ceramic

Soul of majolica dish with dark blue background, jumping dog in the middle, plate dish crockery holder soil find ceramic


Soul of majolica dish with dark blue background, jumping dog in the middle, plate dish crockery holder soil find ceramic earthenware glaze tin glaze lead glaze, majolica baked 2x glazed painted Blue fond. Dog jumping on mirror plate on dark blue background by Italian example. Cooked on prunes. Gray-yellow shard scraped pottery. Rear only covered with lead glaze archeology decorate home interior serving serve Italy


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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39,6Mo (1,0Mo) / 31,5cm x 31,5cm / 3720 x 3720 (300dpi)

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