Pottery jug be placed on five stand fins, red shard, silt decoration and standing ear, water jug crockery holder soil find

Pottery jug be placed on five stand fins, red shard, silt decoration and standing ear, water jug crockery holder soil find


Pottery jug be placed on five stand fins, red shard, silt decoration and standing ear, water jug crockery holder soil find ceramic earthenware glaze lead glaze clay, hand-turned glazed decorated fried lemonade Pottery can be used on stand fins. Red shard very sparingly glazed and decorated with some yellow arches on the shoulder applied in sludge technology. Ball model jug with straight neck on which cuff collar Standing sausage ear slightly above the edge excellent archeology indigenous pottery pouring food prepare water drink cooking


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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44,9Mo (1,7Mo) / 30,0cm x 37,5cm / 3543 x 4430 (300dpi)

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