Tile of tiled panel, blue, white ground, parts of two consecutive biblical scenes, 3-6 men behind curtain, soldier and child

Tile of tiled panel, blue, white ground, parts of two consecutive biblical scenes, 3-6 men behind curtain, soldier and child


Tile of tiled panel, blue, white ground, parts of two consecutive biblical scenes, 3-6 men behind curtain, soldier and child, tile picture footage fragment earth discovery ceramics pottery glaze tin glaze, Tile panel blue white ground parts of two consecutive biblical scenes: 1-2 battle with Roman soldiers on horseback 3-6 men behind curtain soldier and child 7 Roman soldiers on horseback part left side edge with open balls 8-9 upper edge of men behind curtain and helmet plume of soldier and child corner tile of edge 10 curtain section 11 right corner of stairs and soldier with child 12-14 part battle with Roman soldiers lower body man and tent feet two men bottom 15 part battle with Roman soldiers bottom of pieces cloth 16-18 floral pattern and part floor or air in red chalk unreadable figures militaria archeology bible religion child murder Bethlehem


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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42,3Mo (2,5Mo) / 32,6cm x 32,6cm / 3845 x 3845 (300dpi)

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