Joost van Geel, Self-portrait Joost van Geel, self-portrait portrait painting material wood linen oil painting, Standing

Joost van Geel, Self-portrait Joost van Geel, self-portrait portrait painting material wood linen oil painting, Standing


Joost van Geel, Self-portrait Joost van Geel, self-portrait portrait painting material wood linen oil painting, Standing rectangular portrait of man representing Joost van Geel painter. Self-portrait half-bodied to the right. The left hand resting on the table with oriental carpet the right hand pointing to background right to painting standing on easel with representation of man (Simson) with head in the womb of woman (Delilah) This painting on the easel is partly covered with cloth (possible Van Geel keeps this canvas open but is not clear). In black frame with golden inner border Delilah Samson Old Testament bible force hair cut deceit treason adorn documenting religion


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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26,9Mo (735,5Ko) / 24,2cm x 27,8cm / 2861 x 3287 (300dpi)

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