Oak construction fragment, with rounded ends and with two rectangular holes, building component soil found oak wood, w 5.0 cut

Oak construction fragment, with rounded ends and with two rectangular holes, building component soil found oak wood, w 5.0 cut


Oak construction fragment, with rounded ends and with two rectangular holes, building component soil found oak wood, w 5.0 cut sawn planed chiseled Oak construction fragment long narrow piece of wood with rounded ends and provided with two rectangular holes of approximately 4 by 5 centimeters archeology Capelle aan den IJssel House in Capelle castle construction architect master builder wood working carpenter building Soil discovery: castle Capelle Capelle aan den IJssel


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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47,1Mo (1,8Mo) / 59,4cm x 19,8cm / 7016 x 2344 (300dpi)

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