Pottery room comfort on vaulted bottom, stocky model with large neck opening, glazed, pot holder sanitary earthenware ceramic

Pottery room comfort on vaulted bottom, stocky model with large neck opening, glazed, pot holder sanitary earthenware ceramic


Pottery room comfort on vaulted bottom, stocky model with large neck opening, glazed, pot holder sanitary earthenware ceramic earthenware glaze lead glaze, hand-turned glazed baked earthenware chamber pot on vaulted bottom. Red shard and fully glazed except for the ear conical neck and top edge with shallow lid slot. Standing sausage ear. Stubby model with large neck opening. Buckling on the transition from shoulder to neck Glaze layer darkened by overheating and staying in the ground two gray spots sintered glaze archeology Geervliet Bernisse indigenous pottery draining night room sleeping hygiene toilet Soil discovery: Geervliet pit 1 underlayer demolition Trouw


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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44,9Mo (1,3Mo) / 30,0cm x 37,5cm / 3543 x 4430 (300dpi)

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