Animal tile, polished tile with hunting dog in circle with meanders, wall tile tile sculpture soil find ceramic earthenware

Animal tile, polished tile with hunting dog in circle with meanders, wall tile tile sculpture soil find ceramic earthenware


Animal tile, polished tile with hunting dog in circle with meanders, wall tile tile sculpture soil find ceramic earthenware glaze tin glaze, in form made baked glazed painted baked Animal tile. Tile with hunting dog in circle with meanders Monochrome blue decor. Pictured is jumping dog on spot bird ( partridge?) In the mouth. Orange shard archeology Stadscentrum Stadsdriehoek Rotterdam Laurenskerk indigenous earthenware Soil discovery found during the restoration of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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Droits gérés

Format disponible

77,4Mo (2,7Mo) / 43,5cm x 44,6cm / 5138 x 5262 (300dpi)

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