Medal with the silver fleet in the bay of Matanzas attacked by Dutch ships, penning footage silver, the Silver fleet in the bay

Medal with the silver fleet in the bay of Matanzas attacked by Dutch ships, penning footage silver, the Silver fleet in the bay


Medal with the silver fleet in the bay of Matanzas attacked by Dutch ships, penning footage silver, the Silver fleet in the bay of Matanza attacked by Dutch ships regulation: NON FERRO TANTVM HISPANVS QVANTVM VALET AVRO AVRVM AVFER FERRO NON SVPERABIT IBER (the Spaniard can not as much by the steel as the gold will deprive him of the gold, so he will not conquer the steel) WIC West Indies Company Piet Heyn Piet Hein silver fleet naval battle Matanzas Rotterdam


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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