Bavelaar, small viewing box with rural scene on the waterfront with fisherman, boats and talking man and woman, diorama footage
Bavelaar, small viewing box with rural scene on the waterfront with fisherman, boats and talking man and woman, diorama footage wood paint glass paper cardboard, Bavelaar in box of wood cardboard paper and glass. Rural scene: water banks in the foreground and background. In the foreground fisherman by tree; on the water ship that is being bombed and moored barge with tons on board On the shore house with outside toilet and talking man and woman. Tree branches, bushes and reeds are made of paper; the other parts are cut from red-brown wood with fine grain. The paper background is blue dyed optics diorama viewing cabinet adorn Bavelaar landscape countryside country life
Photo12/Liszt Collection
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Model release
Droits gérés
Format disponible
64,6Mo (1,6Mo) / 49,2cm x 32,9cm / 5808 x 3888 (300dpi)