Long flared christening dress in white cotton, slip dress or carrier dress, white embroidery on the hem edge, christening

Long flared christening dress in white cotton, slip dress or carrier dress, white embroidery on the hem edge, christening


Long flared christening dress in white cotton, slip dress or carrier dress, white embroidery on the hem edge, christening clothes baby clothing children's clothing clothing cotton, skirt, fabric w 110.0 textile embroidery sewn Baby dress Long smooth white cotton along hem edge embroidery. Wide round neckline with drawstring strap through the waistline straight short white sleeves skirt around pleated seam mid front and mid back. 22 cm deep back split. Skirt seam 9 cm wide with white embroidery along the top edge dress child baby boy girl baptism baptism church religion religious ceremony


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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