Dunmore and Critcherson (American, 1795-1925), The Arctic Regions: No. 92.* The Devil's Thumb partially enveloped in a fog, with the first of the drift Ice from the pack, which was being forced towards the land, from which we escaped through a narrow lead; had we been hemmed in, we should have had to winter there, 1869, albumen print

Dunmore and Critcherson (American, 1795-1925), The Arctic Regions: No. 92.* The Devil's Thumb partially enveloped in a fog, with the first of the drift Ice from the pack, which was being forced towards the land, from which we escaped through a narrow lead; had we been hemmed in, we should have had to winter there, 1869, albumen print




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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