The Death personified holding a cloth on which the series title in ten lines in Dutch, three putti, one with painter's palette, the putto left overpowers a small satyr, left in the background a female figure with a rooster on her head (Vigilance), print maker: Arnold Houbraken, Dating 1688 - 1700

The Death personified holding a cloth on which the series title in ten lines in Dutch, three putti, one with painter's palette, the putto left overpowers a small satyr, left in the background a female figure with a rooster on her head (Vigilance), print maker: Arnold Houbraken, Dating 1688 - 1700




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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56,7Mo (8,5Mo) / 31,1cm x 45,8cm / 3668 x 5404 (300dpi)

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