IN THE MALDIVE ISLANDS, INDIAN OCEAN, 1881: 1. A Street in Male Island. 2. The Arena Where Sports are Held. 3. Ibrahim Didi. 4. The Harbour, North Side Male Island. 5. The Sultan's Palace, Male Islarid. 6. A Portion of the Chief Mosque and Tower, where the Sultans are Buried, Male Island. 7. Maldivian Woman Carrying Water from a Well, and Mahamadu Didi (Rangfulu), Son of the Late Fourth Vizier. 8. The Wall of the Fort, Malé Island. 9. A Maldive Fishing Boat.

IN THE MALDIVE ISLANDS, INDIAN OCEAN, 1881: 1. A Street in Male Island. 2. The Arena Where Sports are Held. 3. Ibrahim Didi. 4. The Harbour, North Side Male Island. 5. The Sultan's Palace, Male Islarid. 6. A Portion of the Chief Mosque and Tower, where the Sultans are Buried, Male Island. 7. Maldivian Woman Carrying Water from a Well, and Mahamadu Didi (Rangfulu), Son of the Late Fourth Vizier. 8. The Wall of the Fort, Malé Island. 9. A Maldive Fishing Boat.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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