SKETCHES IN FIJI, AND IN THE ISLAND OF ROTUMAH, 1881: 1. A Fijian Girl. 2. A War Dance before the Deputy Commissioner. 3. Fijian with Club and Train of Native Cloth. 4. Village of Noatau, Looking South. 5. Interior of Mamfiri Cave, the Crater of an Extinct Volcano. 6. Rocky Point, with Native Graves at Noatau. 7. Alipati Vaniha, Chief of the District of Ituteu. 8. Wesleyan Mission House at Noatau. 9. Mereseini, the Daughter of a Rotumah Chief. 10. A Fijian Chief's Daughter. 11. A Fiji Islander in War Costume. 12. Entrance to Mamfiri Cave.

SKETCHES IN FIJI, AND IN THE ISLAND OF ROTUMAH, 1881: 1. A Fijian Girl. 2. A War Dance before the Deputy Commissioner. 3. Fijian with Club and Train of Native Cloth. 4. Village of Noatau, Looking South. 5. Interior of Mamfiri Cave, the Crater of an Extinct Volcano. 6. Rocky Point, with Native Graves at Noatau. 7. Alipati Vaniha, Chief of the District of Ituteu. 8. Wesleyan Mission House at Noatau. 9. Mereseini, the Daughter of a Rotumah Chief. 10. A Fijian Chief's Daughter. 11. A Fiji Islander in War Costume. 12. Entrance to Mamfiri Cave.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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