THE LAND AGITATION IN IRELAND, THE NEW COMMITTEE-ROOM OF THE LAND-LEAGUE IN DUBLIN, 1881, Mr. Michael Davitt; The model of the Man-of-war seen above the Cabinet was presented to Mr. Davitt by the Lady Land-Leaguers of New York, and is intended to be emblematical of the Fleet which will be sent to rescue Ireland.

THE LAND AGITATION IN IRELAND, THE NEW COMMITTEE-ROOM OF THE LAND-LEAGUE IN DUBLIN, 1881, Mr. Michael Davitt; The model of the Man-of-war seen above the Cabinet was presented to Mr. Davitt by the Lady Land-Leaguers of New York, and is intended to be emblematical of the Fleet which will be sent to rescue Ireland.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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