THE ADVANCE ON BENIN: MAP SHOWING THE ROUTE OF THE EXPEDITION, 1897: The main portion of the punitive expedition against the King of Benin under Admiral Rawson went up the river Benin to Warigi. The same day the force marched to Siri, and on the following day attacked and occupied Ologbo. A second force under Captain O'Callaghan of the Philomel went up the Gwato Creek, and occupied Gilli Gilli and Gwato. While a third force went up the Jameson River and occupied Sapoba.

THE ADVANCE ON BENIN: MAP SHOWING THE ROUTE OF THE EXPEDITION, 1897: The main portion of the punitive expedition against the King of Benin under Admiral Rawson went up the river Benin to Warigi. The same day the force marched to Siri, and on the following day attacked and occupied Ologbo. A second force under Captain O'Callaghan of the Philomel went up the Gwato Creek, and occupied Gilli Gilli and Gwato. While a third force went up the Jameson River and occupied Sapoba.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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