SPORTS AT FORT CURTIS, ETSHOWE, ZULULAND, 1886: 1. Arrival of a Waggon with Competitors from the Outlying Forts. 2. The Only Lady. 3. The Finish of the Mule Race. 4. A Sergeant of the 1st Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Putting the Shot. 5. A Half Mile Race for Zulus of the Resident Commissioner's Bodyguard.

SPORTS AT FORT CURTIS, ETSHOWE, ZULULAND, 1886: 1. Arrival of a Waggon with Competitors from the Outlying Forts. 2. The Only Lady. 3. The Finish of the Mule Race. 4. A Sergeant of the 1st Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Putting the Shot. 5. A Half Mile Race for Zulus of the Resident Commissioner's Bodyguard.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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