THE MURDER LEAGUE IN IRELAND, EXAMINATION AT KILMAINHAM OF THE PRISONERS CHARGED WITH THE PHOENIX PARK MURDERS, 1883: 1. John Fitzsimons, who Found the Knives in Carey's Loft. 2. leorge Godden, Park Ranger, who Identified Brady as being on the Car which He had Seen Driving Off immediately after the Murder. 3. Stephen Hands, who Identified Brady and O'Brien as Waiting with the Car on the Evening of the Murder. 4. Sarah Hands. 5. Dr. Webb, Q.C., the Leading Counsel for the Prisoners. 6. The Prisoners in the Dock

THE MURDER LEAGUE IN IRELAND, EXAMINATION AT KILMAINHAM OF THE PRISONERS CHARGED WITH THE PHOENIX PARK MURDERS, 1883: 1. John Fitzsimons, who Found the Knives in Carey's Loft. 2. leorge Godden, Park Ranger, who Identified Brady as being on the Car which He had Seen Driving Off immediately after the Murder. 3. Stephen Hands, who Identified Brady and O'Brien as Waiting with the Car on the Evening of the Murder. 4. Sarah Hands. 5. Dr. Webb, Q.C., the Leading Counsel for the Prisoners. 6. The Prisoners in the Dock




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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