LIKE SHIPS UPON THE SEA, DRAWN BY SYDNEY HALL, 1883; "Towards sundown we were right in the midst of the paludi, and we halted to rest. Such a wild scene of desolation! I can see it now. A great shallow pool of water, like a plate of blue steel, the blood-red sun flaming behind a tangle of trees, and one black-muzzled buffalo standing knee-deep in the water, and glaring at us like a devil!"

LIKE SHIPS UPON THE SEA, DRAWN BY SYDNEY HALL, 1883; "Towards sundown we were right in the midst of the paludi, and we halted to rest. Such a wild scene of desolation! I can see it now. A great shallow pool of water, like a plate of blue steel, the blood-red sun flaming behind a tangle of trees, and one black-muzzled buffalo standing knee-deep in the water, and glaring at us like a devil!"




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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