The Tories and the Whigs pulling for a crown, London, 1789, George, Prince of Wales, seated on a throne in the background waiting the results of a tug-of-war over the crown (and regency for the Prince) between the Tories represented by Edward Thurlow and William Pitt and the Whigs represented by Edmund Burke and Charles Fox. The illness of George III (1788-1790) raised the issue of a limited regency for the Prince.

The Tories and the Whigs pulling for a crown, London, 1789, George, Prince of Wales, seated on a throne in the background waiting the results of a tug-of-war over the crown (and regency for the Prince) between the Tories represented by Edward Thurlow and William Pitt and the Whigs represented by Edmund Burke and Charles Fox. The illness of George III (1788-1790) raised the issue of a limited regency for the Prince.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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