Mr. Edward Spencer, born May 8th 1799 who accompanied Mr. Charles Green in that fatal parachute experiment of Mr. Robert Cocking's, July 24th, 1837, from Vauxhall Gardens. And has made twenty-seven ascents with Mr. Green, up to this date, August 24th, 1839, G.P. Harding, F.S.A., del. et fecit ; Day & Haghe, lithrs. to the Queen.

Mr. Edward Spencer, born May 8th 1799 who accompanied Mr. Charles Green in that fatal parachute experiment of Mr. Robert Cocking's, July 24th, 1837, from Vauxhall Gardens. And has made twenty-seven ascents with Mr. Green, up to this date, August 24th, 1839, G.P. Harding, F.S.A., del. et fecit ; Day & Haghe, lithrs. to the Queen.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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