SINGULAR ACCIDENT IN HUNTER STREET, BRUNSWICK SQUARE, LONDON, UK. A Hansom cab was proceeding through Judd Street, when the horse, taking fright at the monster organ, started off at a rapid rate, and on reaching the last house on the left-hand in Hunter Street, bolted upon the pavement, and throwing down the iron railings, fell into the area with the cab upon him, 1851 engraving

SINGULAR ACCIDENT IN HUNTER STREET, BRUNSWICK SQUARE, LONDON, UK. A Hansom cab was proceeding through Judd Street, when the horse, taking fright at the monster organ, started off at a rapid rate, and on reaching the last house on the left-hand in Hunter Street, bolted upon the pavement, and throwing down the iron railings, fell into the area with the cab upon him, 1851 engraving




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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