SKETCHES AT THE RAWUL PINDI DURBAR, 1885. 1. Entrance to Rajah of Bhawulpore's Tent. 2. Baggage of a Punjaub Infantry regiment, with carts, crossing the Jhelum ferry. 3. The Viceroy's Camp at Rawul Pindi. 4. Rajah of Nabha's Infantry. 5. Infantry of the Rajah of Jheend. 6. Bandsman of Rajah of Jheend troops. 7. Rajah of Chumba's bagpipes. 8. Sikh of the Punjaub Infantry. 9. Colonel of Maharajah of Puttiala's Infantry.

SKETCHES AT THE RAWUL PINDI DURBAR, 1885. 1. Entrance to Rajah of Bhawulpore's Tent. 2. Baggage of a Punjaub Infantry regiment, with carts, crossing the Jhelum ferry. 3. The Viceroy's Camp at Rawul Pindi. 4. Rajah of Nabha's Infantry. 5. Infantry of the Rajah of Jheend. 6. Bandsman of Rajah of Jheend troops. 7. Rajah of Chumba's bagpipes. 8. Sikh of the Punjaub Infantry. 9. Colonel of Maharajah of Puttiala's Infantry.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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