THE STORY OF A SEASIDE ELOPEMENT: Edwin loved her dearly, but, being poor, is forbidden the house. Love laughs at locksmiths and other obstacles. Unfortunately his hated rival discovered his little game and informed her mamma. Henceforth she is more strictly guarded. One morning they contrived to meet (much to the disgust of an old gentleman, who wanted his morning dip, and was paying for his machine by time). A plan was arranged. Edwin bribed a chairman to lend him his chair and also his clothes. But didn't feel particularly happy when his fat rival turned up as his first fare

THE STORY OF A SEASIDE ELOPEMENT: Edwin loved her dearly, but, being poor, is forbidden the house. Love laughs at locksmiths and other obstacles. Unfortunately his hated rival discovered his little game and informed her mamma. Henceforth she is more strictly guarded. One morning they contrived to meet (much to the disgust of an old gentleman, who wanted his morning dip, and was paying for his machine by time). A plan was arranged. Edwin bribed a chairman to lend him his chair and also his clothes. But didn't feel particularly happy when his fat rival turned up as his first fare




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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