Hospital Ship near the Seraglio, at Constantinople, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Hospital Ship near the Seraglio, at Constantinople, 1854. Creator: Unknown.


Hospital Ship near the Seraglio, at Constantinople, 1854. Crimean War. 'The English have a spacious and tolerably comfortable hospital near Cadikeiry [where]...they remain till they become convalescent, when they are placed in an old Turkish hulk, transformed into an hospital, and anchored for the purpose near the Seraglio...[The ship is] a large two-decker, and had been rotting for years in the dock-yards of Kassim Pacha...[in the foreground is] the harem of some Turkish Grandee taking a row up the Bosphorus...Letters have been received from Dr. Hall, the principal medical officer in the Crimea, stating that the sick and wounded at Scutari are going on most satisfactorily; that every man is provided with all that is necessary for his comfort and accommodation; and that, although 2103 beds are occupied, there are 1100 more in readiness to receive any wounded that may arrive from the Crimea'. From "Illustrated London News", 1854.


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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