Tigre Island - the United States Garrison, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

Tigre Island - the United States Garrison, 1850. Creator: Unknown.


Tigre Island - the United States Garrison, 1850. Sketch by "a Traveller in Central America"...by no means a caricature picture of the United States garrison upon the Island, with the official stripes and stars fluttering in the breeze; and the "Britishers"' regarding the force with real delight...the Island of Tigre, in the Gulph of Fonseca, [was] lately taken possession of by Captain Paynter, of her Majesty's steam-vessel Gorgon, and since ceded to the United States by the Government of Honduras. This was a formidable point of the Nicaragua dispute, when the "Britishers'" promptitude gave considerable annoyance to the United States; though the matter was afterwards amicably adjusted by Sir Henry Bulwer'. The island of El Tigre is formed of a conical basaltic stratovolcano. It is located on the Pacific coast of Central America. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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