Perronet Thompson School, Wawne Road, Bransholme, Kingston upon Hull, 17/04/1989. Creator: John Laing plc.

Perronet Thompson School, Wawne Road, Bransholme, Kingston upon Hull, 17/04/1989. Creator: John Laing plc.


Perronet Thompson School, Wawne Road, Bransholme, Kingston upon Hull, 17/04/1989. A view of the south end of Perronet Thompson School looking across the playground. Laing's Yorkshire Region division began work on site in September 1986 and the building was completed in June 1988. Bransholme was one of the largest local authority housing estates in Britain at the time and the school was equipped with enhanced facilities for the use of the whole community. These included the larger lending library, the 'Bransholme Theatre', meetings rooms, a gymnasium and courtyard tearooms. The school was named for the Kingston upon Hull born parliamentarian Thomas Perronet Thompson (1783-1869), a governor of Sierra Leone and activist against the Corn Laws. It closed in 1999 and reopened as Kingswood College of Arts but was demolished in 2011 and replaced on the same site by a new building, the Kingswood Academy.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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