Old Wellington Inn, Old Shambles, Manchester, 1942. Creator: George Bernard Wood.

Old Wellington Inn, Old Shambles, Manchester, 1942. Creator: George Bernard Wood.


Old Wellington Inn, Old Shambles, Manchester, 1942. An exterior view of the Old Wellington Inn, showing the front facade in Old Shambles. The former house, now public house, dates to the mid 16th century, and was altered and raised by 30ft in the 1970s. It was moved c70m north to its current position, alongside Sinclairs Oyster Bar, in the mid to late 1990s, opening again in 1999. The inn has three storeys and a three bay plan, with the end bays gabled. There is a splayed door in the left corner, and a 20th century door in the centre of the south facade. The photo shows the inn in it's original setting, on Old Shambles. It was moved after an IRA bombing in 1996.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England Archive

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