Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh, 1845. Creator: Unknown.

Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh, 1845. Creator: Unknown.


Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh, 1845. Accomodation for the poor in Scotland. 'Trinity Hospital is the oldest charitable establishment in the City of Edinburgh, being the remains of one of the many pious bequests so extensively made in Catholic times; and one of the few which escaped the pious but indiscriminating zeal of the Reformers...It is well known that the Scotch have always been inclined to look upon any regular provision for the poor with distrust. They believe it destroys that independence of character to which they lay claim as a nation; and even this institution, calculated and intended chiefly for those whose infirmities have rendered them legitimate objects of benevolent aid, has not escaped censure'. The building '...stood exactly on the spot chosen by the North British Railway Company for its terminus...the Hospital is now entirely demolished'. From "Illustrated London News", 1845, Vol VII.


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