Floor Mosaic Panel: Grape Harvester with Peacock, 400s. Creator: Unknown.

Floor Mosaic Panel: Grape Harvester with Peacock, 400s. Creator: Unknown.


Floor Mosaic Panel: Grape Harvester with Peacock, 400s. This group of mosaics may be from a church at Maaut El Naaman in northern Syria. The panel depicting Adam and Eve includes a Greek inscription that translates as: "And they ate, [and they] were made naked," from the book of Genesis (3:7-8). It is possible that the mosaic belonged to a pavement illustrating the Garden of Eden. The Grape Harvester with a Peacock also conveys well-known Christian themes. The grapes represent the Eucharistic wine and thus the blood of Christ, while the peacock was a symbol of immortality.


Photo12/Heritage Images/Heritage Art

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