The main church (igreja matriz) of Mertola, Portugal, 2009. Artist: Samuel Magal

The main church (igreja matriz) of Mertola, Portugal, 2009. Artist: Samuel Magal


The main church (igreja matriz) of Mertola, Portugal, 2009. The most important monument of Mertola is its main church, originally a mosque, built between the 12th and 13th centuries. After the Christian conquest of the town, in 1238, the mosque was turned into a church, but its architectural structure was left unaltered. In the 16th century the church was partially remodelled, gaining Manueline vaulting with a new roof and a new main portal in Renaissance style. Nevertheless, the inner arrangement of the naves of the church, with four naves and several columns, strongly resembles that of the original mosque, and the interior of the church still has the mihrab, the decorated niche that indicates the direction of the Mecca. Outside, the church has four portals with horseshoe arches, typical of Islamic architecture.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Samuel Magal

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