The Stoa of Attalus at the Greek Agora in Athens, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal

The Stoa of Attalus at the Greek Agora in Athens, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal


The Stoa of Attalus at the Greek Agora in Athens, Greece. The most prominent feature on the east side of the Agora is the 116m/380ft long Stoa of Attalus, built by King Attalus II of Pergamon in the 2nd century BC. The stoa was (and is, since the faithful reconstruction of the original building in 1953-56) two-storied, with Doric columns fronting the lower floor and Ionic columns on the upper floor. The stoa proper, which is backed by a series of rectangular rooms (originally 21), is divided by Ionic columns into two aisles. The reconstruction has restored the impressive spatial effect of the long pillared hall. In ancient times the stoa was occupied by offices and shops; it now houses the Agora Museum.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Samuel Magal

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