Cover of In Darkest Africa, by Henry Morton Stanley, 1890. Artist: Unknown

Cover of In Darkest Africa, by Henry Morton Stanley, 1890. Artist: Unknown


Cover of In Darkest Africa: or The Quest, Rescue, and the Retreat of Emin (Governor of Equatoria), Vol 1, by Henry Morton Stanley, 1890. Born Eduard Schnitzer in Germany, Emin Pasha converted to Islam. A doctor and linguist, he added greatly to European knowledge of African languages. General Gordon (1833-1885) appointed him governor of the Equatoria Province in Sudan in 1878. After the Mahdist uprising in 1885, Equatoria and Emin Pasha were cut by the rebels and Stanley, best known for locating the missing explorer David Livingstone in Africa in 1871, was placed in command of an expedition to rescue Emin Pasha. Setting off up the Congo in May 1887, the expedition crossed the heart of central Africa to reach Equatoria from the west. Emin Pasha was found, in good health but with little inclination to leave Equatoria. Stanley returned to Europe in May 1890, to great public acclaim, publishing his account of the journey in a best-selling book, In Darkest Africa.
Historica Graphica Collection




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historica Graphica Collection

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